About Us
Our Vision
The agile movement has transformed software development, but not without bringing its own set of problems. Agile methods speed up software development, but encounter problems with reliability, scalability, and evolvability.

Agile doesn’t scale well. Traditional agile approaches are difficult for projects involving multiple organizations, over-20 developers, safety- and security critical systems, and interoperability with independently-evolving systems. Examples of large-project critical difficulties are daily stand-up meetings, 2-week sprints, single co-located customer representatives, projects with high personnel turnover, reliance on tacit interpersonal knowledge vs. documents, and need for rapid, continuous development and deployment.

Maximum team size on agile teams is limited, so there is a “speed limit” on how fast agile teams can deliver.

It’s widely thought to be impossible to integrate the work of many developers writing software in parallel. But what if we could do exactly that? Instead of endless 2-week sprints and little planning, with Parallel Agile® we do more planning and can scale by adding many more developers, instead of stretching out the calendar.

By leveraging code generation automation, you can have the benefits of both agile and model-driven development, with none of the limitations.
Bound your schedule, not your features
In agile projects, staffing is fixed with a small team, and the schedule is an endless series of 2-week sprints. In Parallel Agile®, staffing is elastic (just add more developers), and the schedule is fixed at 3 months:
  • a month of prototyping
  • a month of design
  • a month of acceptance testing
The Team
Doug Rosenberg
Founder, CEO
Barry Boehm
Senior Advisor
Rob Rappaport
Co-Founder, CMO
Matt Stephens
Director, Software Development
Adam Frankl
Marketing Advisor
Zefram Cochrane
Domain-Driven CodeBot
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